Are you looking to become the healthiest person you can be? Allow Rebecca to guide you and receive healing in ways that conventional medicine does not offer. It is time to heal. Make an appointment today.
You will be amazed at what you will discover about yourself.
Rebecca offers nutritional counseling, connecting with spirit, long distance healing, career guidance, relationship guidance, and so much more. Source Energy Technique is her signature healing creation that may surprise you-you never know what spirit will reveal. Past lives are revealed, loved ones may come through, food allergies are validated and addressed, personal nutritional lifestyle changes are suggested, or the benefit of a medical procedure becomes known, the list goes on.... All information is confirmed with muscle (energy) testing. Through muscle testing, Akashic Field Therapy, Sacred Contract work, Avatar exercises and other original works may be suggested for your healing.
You will be amazed at what you will discover about yourself.
Rebecca offers nutritional counseling, connecting with spirit, long distance healing, career guidance, relationship guidance, and so much more. Source Energy Technique is her signature healing creation that may surprise you-you never know what spirit will reveal. Past lives are revealed, loved ones may come through, food allergies are validated and addressed, personal nutritional lifestyle changes are suggested, or the benefit of a medical procedure becomes known, the list goes on.... All information is confirmed with muscle (energy) testing. Through muscle testing, Akashic Field Therapy, Sacred Contract work, Avatar exercises and other original works may be suggested for your healing.